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Rev. chil. cardiol ; 41(2): 100-104, ago. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407755


Resumen: La oxigenación por membrana extracorpórea (ECMO) es de gran utilidad al proveer soporte ventilatorio a pacientes con hipoxia, pero su utilidad en el manejo de pacientes con obstrucción central de la vía aérea y riesgo vital no ha sido frecuentemente usada. La broncoscopía intervencional como terapia bajo ventilación convencional es de alto riesgo en este tipo de pacientes, pero es posible lograr excelentes resultados al ser asociada a ECMO. Comunicamos el caso clínico de 2 pacientes que presentaban disnea en reposo y falla ven1ila1oria aguda ca1as1rófica debido a una obstrucción casi total del lumen traqueal, de causa tumoral. En ambos pacientes en forma urgente se inició soporte circulatorio mediante ECMO VV, mientras se efectuaba la resección tumoral broncoscópica. Luego de terminada la cirugía traqueal, en ambos pacientes se retiró el soporte, siendo decanulados sin eventos y con una buena evolución clínica posterior. Se discute el beneficio del soporte ECMO en este tipo de pacientes.

Abstract: In patients with severe central airway stenosis bronchoscopy-guided intervention therapy under conventional ventilation conveys a high risk. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) provides very good cardiopulmonary support, but is rarely used in bronchoscopy-guided interventional therapy. We report 2 patients with resting dyspnea due to severe tumor tracheal obstruction and acute pulmonary failure with imminent vital risk. Both patients were cannulated and the ECMO circuit installed on a nearly emergency basis. Tumors were excised, and the patients weaned from cardiopulmonary bypass uneventfully. Subsequent clinical course was satisfactory in both cases. A brief discussion of this condition is included.

Humans , Aged , Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation/methods , Ventilation/methods , Airway Obstruction/surgery , Extracorporeal Circulation/methods
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 56(2): 195-199, abr. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1402957


Resumen El monóxido de carbono (CO) es un gas producido principalmente por combustión incompleta de hidrocarburos. La intoxicación por exposición ambiental puede presentarse con síntomas inespecíficos y constituye la causa más importante de aumento de carboxihemoglobina (COHb). Su nivel en sangre depende de la duración de la exposición, la ventilación minuto y las concentraciones de CO y oxígeno en el ambiente. La elevada toxicidad radica en la hipoxia tisular que se genera. Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino, 73 años, en seguimiento en el hospital por neumonía intersticial no específica como patología de base. En un control de laboratorio se encontró 11,9% de COHb, sin exposición a tabaco. No utilizaba calefacción a gas sino un panel cerámico eléctrico, recientemente pintado con esmalte sintético. La suspensión del uso del panel normalizó la COHb. El CO, producto de descomposición térmica del esmalte sintético, explica la causa de la intoxicación.

Abstract Carbon monoxide (CO) is a gas produced mainly by incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons. Poisoning from environmental exposure can present with nonspecific symptoms and is the most important cause of increased carboxyhemoglobin (COHb). Its blood level depends on the duration of exposure, minute ventilation, and the concentrations of CO and oxygen in the environment. The high toxicity lies in the tissue hypoxia that is generated. The case of a male patient, 73 years old, under follow-up in the hospital for non-specific interstitial pneumonia as the underlying pathology was presented. In a laboratory control, COHb 11,9% was found. There was no exposure to tobacco and there was no use of gas heating but of an electric ceramic panel, recently painted with synthetic enamel type paint. The suspension of the use of the panel normalised the COHb. The CO product of thermal decomposition of synthetic enamel explains the cause of poisoning.

Resumo O monóxido de carbono (CO) é um gás produzido principalmente pela combustão incompleta de hidrocarbonetos. A intoxicação por exposição ambiental pode se apresentar com sintomas inespecíficos e é a causa mais importante de aumento da carboxihemoglobina (COHb). Seu nível em sangue depende do tempo de exposição, da ventilação minuto e das concentrações de CO e oxigênio no ambiente. A alta toxicidade está na hipóxia tecidual gerada. Apresentamos o caso de um paciente do sexo masculino, 73 anos, em acompanhamento hospitalar por pneumonia intersticial inespecífica como patologia de bas. Em um controle laboratorial, achou-se 11,9% de COHb, sem exposição ao tabaco. Não utilizava aquecimento a gás e sim um painel elétrico cerâmico, recentemente pintado com esmalte sintético. A suspensão do uso do painel normalizou o COHb. O CO produto da decomposição térmica do esmalte sintético explica a causa da intoxicação.

Humans , Male , Aged , Poisoning , Carboxyhemoglobin , Carbon Monoxide , Toxicity , Outpatients , Oxygen , Signs and Symptoms , Ventilation , Blood , Causality , Lung Diseases, Interstitial , Aftercare , Threshold Limit Values , Environment , Environmental Exposure , Fires , Gases , Heating , Hospitals , Hydrocarbons , Laboratories
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(5): 952-959, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1426628


Por las particularidades de los hospitales, su entorno contiene un gran número de microorganismos proporcionando condiciones muy favorables para la reproducción y la propagación de microorganismos patógenos. Por otro lado, como un sitio importante del uso de antibióticos, las infecciones asociadas a hospitales y la resistencia a los antimicrobianos promueven mutuamente la formación de un círculo vicioso. Existen fuertes evidencias de que la transmisión por aire y aerosoles de los microorganismos patógenos están muy extendidos en los entornos hospitalarios. En ese sentido, las partículas transportadas por el aire se caracterizan por su baja densidad, invisibilidad y susceptibilidad a la turbulencia. El asentamiento de partículas infecciosas en el aire sobre la herida de un paciente puede causar infecciones en cirugía o en caso más graves, infectar a pacientes con sistemas inmunológicos comprometidos, o puede conducir, si las condiciones de ventilación no son apropiadas, a la diseminación de bacterias y hongos (bioaerosoles) desde pacientes infecciosos a toda la comunidad hospitalaria. Para mejorar el estado de estas infecciones asociadas a los hospitales, los sistemas tradicionales se han centrado en estrategias para eliminar patógenos presentes en pacientes, superficies clínicas y trabajadores de la salud, que ha impulsado la implementación de varios protocolos de control y desinfección de infecciones que también han tenido éxito en la reducción de la incidencia de este tipo de infecciones hospitalarias. Dentro de estos procedimientos, está el uso de sistema de ventilación con presión de aire positiva o negativa El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar la capacidad de control microbiano de los sistemas de ventilación en dos centros de asistencia médica del Perú en habitaciones con pacientes inmunosuprimidos (VIH/Sida) aislados o en habitaciones de pacientes infecciosos(AU)

Due to the particularities of hospitals, their environment contains a large number of microorganisms, providing very favorable conditions for the reproduction and spread of pathogenic microorganisms. On the other hand, as an important site of antibiotic use, hospital-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance mutually promote the formation of a vicious circle. There is strong evidence that airborne and aerosol transmission of pathogenic microorganisms is widespread in hospital settings. In that sense, airborne particles are characterized by their low density, invisibility, and susceptibility to turbulence. The settling of airborne infectious particles on a patient's wound can cause infections in surgery or, in more serious cases, infect patients with compromised immune systems, or can lead, if ventilation conditions are not appropriate, to the spread of pathogens. bacteria and fungi (bioaerosols) from infectious patients to the entire hospital community. To improve the status of these hospital-associated infections, traditional systems have focused on strategies to eliminate pathogens present in patients, clinical surfaces, and healthcare workers, which has prompted the implementation of various infection control and disinfection protocols that they have also been successful in reducing the incidence of this type of hospital infection. Within these procedures, there is the use of a ventilation system with positive or negative air pressure. The objective of this work is to determine the microbial control capacity of the ventilation systems in two medical care centers in Peru in rooms with immunosuppressed patients (HIV/AIDS) isolated or in infectious patient rooms(AU)

Sterilization , Cross Infection , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Noxae , Ventilation , Disinfection , Mycobacterium
Rev. cuba. anestesiol. reanim ; 20(3): e718, 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1351987


La oxigenación apnéica consiste en la administración de flujos altos de oxígeno a través de algún dispositivo supraglótico mientras el paciente se mantiene en apnea. Se explica por qué el alveolo desnitrogenizado con una composición en su mayor parte de oxígeno, permite la difusión alveolo capilar y genera una presión subatmosférica capaz de arrastrar el flujo de oxigeno existente en el árbol traqueobronquial hasta el mismo alveolo, siempre y cuando no hubiera obstrucción mecánica de la vía aérea. El tiempo aumenta considerablemente hasta que la saturación de oxígeno disminuya, lo que se conoce como tiempo de apnea segura. Se presenta la experiencia de emplear esta técnica en un escolar de 5 años sin antecedentes patológicos, que ingirió un cuerpo extraño (semilla de girasol), la cual se localizaba en vía aérea bronquio principal derecho. Este se extrajo por fibrobroncoscopía bajo anestesia total intravenosa, priorizando la ventilación espontánea hasta localizarlo, y luego, debido a la dificultad que presentó su extracción, se empleó relajación muscular y apnea para optimizar las condiciones de la extracción. Durante este periodo, se empleó la técnica de oxigenación apnéica, la cual se mantuvo durante 12 min. La saturación pulsátil de oxigeno fue mayor al 92 por ciento, tiempo suficiente para culminar la extracción con éxito y sin complicaciones(AU)

Apneic oxygenation consists in the administration of high flows of oxygen through a supraglottic device while the patient remains in apnea. It is explained because the alveolus with low nitrogen concertation/accumulation, with a composition mostly of oxygen, allows capillary alveolus to diffuse, as well as it generates a subatmospheric pressure capable of dragging the oxygen flow existing in the tracheobronchial tree to the alveolus itself, as long as there is no mechanical airway obstruction. The time increases considerably until oxygen saturation decreases, which is known as the safe apnea time. The experience of using this technique is presented is it was used with a five-year-old boy with no pathological history and who swallowed a foreign body (sunflower seed), which was located in the airway, specifically the right main bronchus. The foreign body was extracted by fiberoptic bronchoscopy under total intravenous anesthesia, prioritizing spontaneous ventilation until it was located; and then, due to the difficulty for its extraction, muscle relaxation and apnea were used to optimize the extraction conditions. During this period, the apneic oxygenation technique was used and maintained for twelve minutes. Pulsatile oxygen saturation was greater than 92 percent, enough time to complete the extraction successfully and without complications(AU)

Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Ventilation , Bronchoscopy , Airway Obstruction , Foreign Bodies , Anesthesia, Intravenous , Muscle Relaxation
Fisioter. Bras ; 22(4): 536-549, Nov 2, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1353378


A ventilação mecânica (VM) é um recurso frequentemente utilizado na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI). No entanto, a necessidade de reintubação após a retirada do suporte ventilatório está associada a desfechos desfavoráveis. Os objetivos deste estudo foram identificar possíveis fatores de risco e desfecho clínico de pacientes reintubados na UTI de um hospital referência em trauma. Foi realizado um estudo de coorte prospectivo no período de 4 meses com pacientes adultos internados na UTI e que permaneceram em VM por pelo menos 24 horas. A amostra foi composta por 100 pacientes divididos em grupo de pacientes não reintubados e pacientes que cursaram com necessidade de retornar à VM. Foram reintubados 27 pacientes, 18 deles reintubados em até 48 horas após extubação. A idade, diabetes, obesidade, tempo de VM até a extubação e frequência respiratória (FR) foram variáveis que apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significativa entre grupos (p < 0,05), porém não puderam ser apontadas como fatores de risco independentes de retorno à ventilação. A reintubação foi associada à necessidade de traqueostomias (TQT) (p < 0,001), maior tempo de permanência em VM (p < 0,001), internação prolongada na UTI (p < 0,001) e mortalidade (p < 0,005). Idade, presença de diabetes, obesidade, maior tempo de VM e FR pré-extubação mais elevada foram as variáveis relacionadas à reintubação. Este evento foi diretamente associado a piores desfechos como necessidade de TQT, maior dependência de VM, internação prolongada na UTI e mortalidade. (AU)

Humans , Ventilation , Airway Extubation , Respiration, Artificial , Tracheostomy , Risk Factors , Intubation
Infectio ; 25(3): 182-188, jul.-set. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1250090


Abstract The article presents a general overview on COVID-19 transmission in the context of public transport, particularly applicable to decision making in Latin America. Based on recent findings on COVID-19 transmission and the relative importance of each factor (droplets, fomites, and aerosol routes) in such transmission, we seek to update the discussion on the topic that has generally been based on social distance as the only parameter for reducing the risk of transmission and broadens the vision to integrate ventilation, users' behavior (mask and eye protection use, silence while in the transport system) and travel distance. Recommendations to improve mobility conditions reducing the risk of COVID-19 contagion are provided.

Resumen El artículo presenta una revisión de transmisión de COVID-19 en el contexto de transporte público, con aplicación particular para toma de decisiones en América Latina. Con base en los hallazgos recientes sobre transmisión de Covid-19 y la importancia relativa de cada factor (gotículas, fómites y rutas de aerosoles) en dicha transmisión, buscamos actualizar la discusión sobre el tema que generalmente se ha basado en la "distancia social" como parámetro único de reducción de riesgo de transmisión y amplía esta visión para integrar la ventilación, el comportamiento de usuarios (uso de mascarilla, protección ocular, silencio), y la distancia de viaje. Se indican al final recomendaciones para mejorar las condiciones de movilidad en general sin aumentar el riesgo de contagio de Covid-19.

Humans , Male , Female , Transportation , Health Strategies , COVID-19 , Travel , Ventilation , Vision, Ocular , Urban Sanitation , Latin America
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 5(1): 7-14, jan.mar.2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398157


A associação positiva entre poluição atmosférica e COVID-19 tem sido confirmada por pesquisadores ao redor do mundo, sobretudo em localidades poluídas. A exposição de longo prazo à poluição atmosférica foi associada a maior gravidade da infecção pelo SARS-CoV-2. As medidas de afastamento social fizeram com que os níveis de poluentes atmosféricos caíssem de forma drástica. Além disso, a exposição à poluição intradomiciliar também foi relacionada à COVID-19. Os pobres, incluindo refugiados e trabalhadores migrantes que ficam em condições frágeis, são os mais vulneráveis. Como consequência da pandemia, muitas pessoas permanecem em ambientes fechados, sobretudo os indivíduos de risco (idosos, diabéticos, obesos, cardiopatas e pneumopatas crônicos). O isolamento domiciliar em ambiente com ventilação inadequada poderá determinar, nessas populações, outros problemas de saúde. A queima de biomassa e do tabaco no interior dos domicílios são fontes importantes de poluentes. Portanto, é essencial entender as consequências da relação entre a poluição intradomiciliar e a doença pandêmica COVID-19.

A positive association between air pollution and COVID-19 has been confirmed by researchers around the world, especially in polluted locations. Long-term exposure to air pollution was associated with greater severity of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Social withdrawal measures caused the levels of air pollutants to drop dramatically. In addition, exposure to indoor air pollution was also related to COVID-19. The poor, including refugees and migrant workers who are in fragile conditions, are the most vulnerable. As a consequence of the pandemic, many people remain indoors, especially at-risk individuals (older, diabetic, obese, cardiac, and chronic lung disease patients). Home isolation in an environment with inadequate ventilation may determine other health problems in these populations. Burning biomass and tobacco are important sources of household air pollutants. Therefore, it is essential to understand the consequences of the relationship between indoor air pollution and COVID-19.

Humans , Tobacco , Air Pollution, Indoor , Environmental Pollution , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19 , Patients , Ventilation , Residence Characteristics , Family Characteristics , Risk Factors , Biomass , Air Pollution , Environment
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 40(supl.1): e1185, 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1289480


Introducción: Una característica de los pacientes con síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda asociada a la COVID -19, sobre todo los más graves, es la presencia de hipoxemia refractaria, que puede demandar terapia adyuvante a la ventilación mecánica artificial, entre ellos, el posicionamiento prono del paciente. Objetivo: Exponer la evidencia disponible sobre los cambios producidos en el sistema respiratorio por la implementación del posicionamiento prono en pacientes con soporte ventilatorio invasivo por síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda asociado a la COVID -19 y su impacto sobre la mortalidad. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica temática, observacional y retrospectiva, en el período comprendido de febrero a julio del 2020. Se utilizó el motor de búsqueda Google Académico y posteriormente se consultaron las bases de datos bibliográficas: CUMED, LILACS, SciELO, PubMed/Medline, EBSCO, Cochrane Library y Web of Science. En la estrategia de búsqueda se emplearon como palabras clave: posición prona, síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo, ventilación mecánica, según el descriptor de Ciencias de la Salud (DeCS). Los criterios de selección incluyeron artículos en idiomas inglés y español, de procedencia extranjera o nacional, en la temática consecuente con las palabras clave utilizadas, fecha de publicación en la presente centuria y de preferencia durante el último quinquenio. Conclusiones: Las guías actuales recomiendan el establecimiento precoz de la ventilación mecánica invasiva en posición prono para pacientes con síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda moderado -grave, inducido por COVID-19 durante 12 a 16 horas diarias, con el fin de mejorar la oxigenación, el reclutamiento pulmonar y la disminución de la mortalidad(AU)

Introduction: A characteristic of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome associated to COVID-19, particularly the most severely affected, is the presence of refractory hypoxemia, which may require adjuvant therapy alongside artificial mechanical ventilation, including prone positioning of the patient. Objective: Present the available evidence about the changes undergone by the respiratory system with the implementation of prone positioning in patients with invasive ventilation support due to acute respiratory distress associated to COVID-19, as well as its impact on mortality. Methods: An observational retrospective bibliographic review about the topic was conducted from February to July 2020, initially with the search engine Google Scholar, and then in the bibliographic databases CUMED, LILACS, SciELO, PubMed/Medline, EBSCO, Cochrane Library and Web of Science. The search was based on key terms such as "prone position", "acute respiratory distress syndrome", "mechanical ventilation", obtained from the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS). Selection criteria included papers written in English or Spanish, of a foreign or national origin, about the topic suggested by the search terms used, published in the present century, preferably in the last five years. Conclusions: Current guidelines recommend early use of invasive mechanical ventilation in prone position for patients with COVID-19-induced moderate-severe acute respiratory distress syndrome for 12-16 hours daily to improve oxygenation and pulmonary recruitment, and reduce mortality(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Respiration, Artificial , Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Newborn , Ventilation , Prone Position , Retrospective Studies , Observational Study
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 37(4): 721-725, oct.-dic. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156824


RESUMEN Con el objetivo de medir la frecuencia de las infecciones nosocomiales en las unidades de observación de medicina interna de los servicios de emergencia en dos hospitales de nivel III de Lima, se realizó un estudio de prevalencia de periodo durante cinco días en pacientes admitidos después de las 72 horas de observación y con descarte de infección comunitaria, utilizando datos obtenidos de las historias clínicas. Adicionalmente, se evaluó el hacinamiento y la ventilación de las salas de hospitalización. La frecuencia de las infecciones nosocomiales en los servicios de emergencia fue 8,1%, cuatro veces lo reportado como prevalencia de periodo en el Perú. Los factores de riesgo asociados fueron el tiempo prolongado de estancia y la carencia de ventilación apropiada del ambiente hospitalario. La ventilación inapropiada triplica el riesgo de aparición de infecciones nosocomiales.

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to measure the frequency of nosocomial infections in the internal medicine observation units of the emergency services in two level III hospitals in Lima. A 5-day prevalence study was carried out on patients admitted after a 72 hours observation period, in whom community-based infections were ruled out. Data was obtained from clinical records. Additionally, overcrowding and ventilation in the hospitalization rooms were evaluated. The frequency of nosocomial infections in the emergency services was found to be 8.1%, four times what was reported as period prevalence in Peru. The associated risk factors were prolonged length of stay and lack of proper ventilation in the hospital environment. Inadequate ventilation triples the risk of nosocomial infections.

Ventilation , Cross Infection , Medical Waste Disposal , Healthcare-Associated Pneumonia , Peru , Hand Disinfection , Medical Records , Clinical Observation Units
s.l; s.n; jul. 2020.
Non-conventional in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1102877


Este documento visa orientar os gestores das organizações privadas quanto à prevenção e acompanhamento das condições de saúde de seus colaboradores, visando prevenir a disseminação da Covid-19 nos ambientes de trabalho. Neste protocolo são apresentadas diretrizes para a realização de ações de prevenção, triagem, testagem, conduta e comunicação de casos suspeitos. As ações de acompanhamento das condições de saúde por parte das organizações privadas devem estar vinculadas às diretrizes e recomendações do Sistema Público de Vigilância em Saúde.

Humans , Health Status , Triage/standards , Occupational Health/standards , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , /methods , Social Isolation , Ventilation/methods , Epidemiological Monitoring , Hand Hygiene/methods
Santa Tecla, La Libertad; ITCA Editores; ene. 2020. 90 p. ^c28 cm.ilus., tab., graf..
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, BISSAL | ID: biblio-1222433


Se desarrolló una propuesta de intervención arquitectónica y constructiva de iluminación natural, ventilación y confort térmico para el área de rehabilitación del edificio de la Fundación Teletón Pro Rehabilitación FUNTER. Se diseñó una propuesta de interiorismo para uso eficiente de espacios, mobiliario, iluminación artificial, texturas y colores apropiados para el desarrollo de terapias. Se realizó un estudio de eficiencia energética para proponer medidas de ahorro y uso eficiente de la energía en el edificio. Se diseñó una nueva distribución de espacios en la zona de terapia y se aplicaron criterios de bioclimatismo pasivo, como la ventilación cruzada, ventilación cenital y la apertura de áreas de ventilación basándose en el análisis de vientos del sitio para mejorar la sensación térmica interna. La implementación de un jardín sensorial ayudará a los pacientes de terapia de marcha a interactuar en un área más cercana a las superficies reales del ambiente.

An architectural and constructive intervention proposal for natural lighting, ventilation and thermal comfort was developed for the rehabilitation area of ​​the Teletón Pro Rehabilitation Foundation FUNTER building. An interior design proposal was designed for the efficient use of spaces, furniture, artificial lighting, textures and appropriate colors for the development of therapies. An energy efficiency study was carried out to propose measures for saving and efficient use of energy in the building. A new distribution of spaces was designed in the therapy area and passive bioclimatic criteria were applied, such as cross ventilation, overhead ventilation and the opening of update areas in the site wind analysis to improve the internal thermal sensation. Implementing a sensory garden will help gait therapy patients interact in an area closer to the actual surfaces of the environment.

Disabled Persons/rehabilitation , Facility Design and Construction , Interior Design and Furnishings , Therapeutics , Ventilation , Lighting , Health of the Disabled , Usage Remodeling
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine ; : 66-66, 2020.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-880302


The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a new zoonotic agent that emerged in December 2019, causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This infection can be spread by asymptomatic, presymptomatic, and symptomatic carriers. SARS-CoV-2 spreads primarily via respiratory droplets during close person-to-person contact in a closed space, especially a building. This article summarizes the environmental factors involved in SARS-CoV-2 transmission, including a strategy to prevent SARS-CoV-2 transmission in a building environment. SARS-CoV-2 can persist on surfaces of fomites for at least 3 days depending on the conditions. If SARS-CoV-2 is aerosolized intentionally, it is stable for at least several hours. SARS-CoV-2 is inactivated rapidly on surfaces with sunlight. Close-contact aerosol transmission through smaller aerosolized particles is likely to be combined with respiratory droplets and contact transmission in a confined, crowded, and poorly ventilated indoor environment, as suggested by some cluster cases. Although evidence of the effect of aerosol transmission is limited and uncertainty remains, adequate preventive measures to control indoor environmental quality are required, based on a precautionary approach, because COVID-19 has caused serious global damages to public health, community, and the social economy. The expert panel for COVID-19 in Japan has focused on the "3 Cs," namely, "closed spaces with poor ventilation," "crowded spaces with many people," and "close contact." In addition, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan has been recommending adequate ventilation in all closed spaces in accordance with the existing standards of the Law for Maintenance of Sanitation in Buildings as one of the initial political actions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. However, specific standards for indoor environmental quality control have not been recommended and many scientific uncertainties remain regarding the infection dynamics and mode of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in closed indoor spaces. Further research and evaluation are required regarding the effect and role of indoor environmental quality control, especially ventilation.

Humans , Aerosols , Air Pollution, Indoor/prevention & control , Betacoronavirus/physiology , COVID-19 , Coronavirus Infections/transmission , Crowding , Environment, Controlled , Pandemics/prevention & control , Pneumonia, Viral/transmission , SARS-CoV-2 , Ventilation
Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 47(4): 245-248, Oct-Dec. 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1042735


Abstract We report an unexpected difficult airway in a patient with unrecognized lingual tonsillar hypertrophy. A 54-year-old hypertensive woman presented for resection of a mediastinal mass under general anesthesia (GA). After induction, mask ventilation was impossible. Laryngeal mask airway (LMA) was used, achieving suboptimal ventilation. Fiberoptic intubation through LMA was attempted but tube advancement was hindered by a protrudingmass. Finally, intubation was achieved using the Frova introducer. After completion of the surgery, the patient was transferred, intubated, to the postanesthesia care unit. Ear, nose, and throat assessment concluded that the mass was a hyper-trophied lingual tonsil. Unexpected lingual tonsillar hypertrophy can complicate GA, making mask ventilation, and even intubation impossible. It is considered a frequent cause of unexpected difficult airway. Diagnosis cannot be made by standard airway physical examination. Once recognized, fiberoptic intubation is mandatory in subsequent surgeries.

Resumen Presentamos el caso de una vía aérea difícil imprevista debido a hipertrofia de la amígdala lingual no conocida. Mujer de 54 años, hipertensa, que ingresa para resección de masa mediastínica bajo anestesia general. Tras la inducción, la ventilación mediante mascarilla facial resultó imposible. Se coloca mascarilla laríngea (ML) y se consigue ventilación de forma subóptima. Se intenta intubación guiada por fibroscopia a su través, pero se objetiva masa protruyente que impide la progresión del tubo. Finalmente se intuba mediante introductor Frova. Tras finalizar la cirugía, la paciente se traslada intubada a la Unidad de Reanimación Postanestésica (URPA). Se realiza evaluación por otorrinolaringología (ORL), que concluye que la masa corresponde a una amígdala lingual hipertrófica. La hipertrofia de la amígdala lingual puede complicar la anestesia, dificultando la ventilación e intubación. Se considera una causa frecuente de vía aérea difícil imprevista. El diagnóstico no puede realizarse mediante exploración anestésica estándar. Una vez conocida, las intubaciones siguientes deben ser guiadas por fibroscopia.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Pharynx , Amygdalin , Hypertrophy , Otolaryngology , Tongue , Palatine Tonsil , Ventilation , Laryngeal Masks
Fisioter. Bras ; 20(4): 476-484, Set 3, 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1281499


Introdução: A procura pelas Unidades de Pronto Atendimento (UPA) vem em um crescente, com atendimento 24 horas e extremamente resolutivo. É um serviço importante na classificação de atenção ao usuário, com grande rotatividade de pacientes. Objetivo: Traçar o perfil dos pacientes submetidos à ventilação mecânica invasiva (VMI) que são internados na UPA na região central do estado. Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, com análise descritiva de prontuários de pacientes internados na UPA submetidos à VMI, no período de fevereiro a junho de 2017. Resultados: Amostra de 14 prontuários, 57,2% (n = 8) do sexo feminino e 64,3% (n = 9) com idade superior a 60 anos. O diagnóstico inicial mais frequente foram as complicações respiratórias 62% (n = 13). Entre patologias de base, a hipertensão arterial sistêmica teve maior incidência 36% (n = 9). Quanto às manifestações clínicas no momento da intubação, a mais frequente foi a hipoxemia 33,4% (n = 4) e o principal motivo da intubação foi rebaixamento de sensório 57,1% (n = 8). A permanência na unidade em 42,8% (n = 6) dos casos durou menos de 24 horas. Conclusão: Predominaram pacientes mulheres idosas, apresentando como diagnóstico inicial complicações respiratórias, tempo de permanência na unidade após VMI menos de 24 horas e a maioria dos prontuários sem prescrição de fisioterapia. (AU)

Introduction: The demand on Emergency Care Units (UPA) is increasing, with 24-hour service and extremely resolute. It is an important service in the classification of attention to the user, with great patient turnover. Objective: To outline the profile of patients undergoing invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) admitted to the UPA in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul State. Methods: Quantitative study, with descriptive analysis of medical records of patients who underwent IMV admitted to the UPA, from February to June 2017. Results: A sample of 14 medical records, 57.2% (n = 8) female and 64.3% (n = 9) aged over 60 years has been analyzed. The most frequent initial diagnosis was respiratory complications 62% (n = 13). Among the basic pathologies, systemic arterial hypertension had a higher incidence with 36% (n = 9). Among the clinical manifestations at the time of intubation the most frequent was hypoxemia (33.4%) (n = 4) and the main reason for intubation was the low level of consciousness (n = 8). Unit stay in 42.8% (n = 6) of the cases lasted less than 24 hours. Conclusion: Predominant old female patients, presenting as initial diagnosis respiratory complications, length of stay in the unit after IMV less than 24 hours and most of the medical records did not have physical therapy prescription. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Respiration, Artificial , Emergency Medical Services , Ventilation , Brazil , Physical Therapy Specialty , Evaluation Studies as Topic
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 24(8): 3079-3088, ago. 2019. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011896


Resumo A poluição do ar em ambientes fechados é agravada pela queima de lenha em fogões rústicos e ambientes pouco ventilados. A exposição aos poluentes emitidos por este tipo de combustível resulta no aumento da morbidade e da mortalidade. No Brasil, os estudos e as estimativas são escassos. Visando entender esta problemática, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o uso de lenha utilizando as séries de dados das agências governamentais para estimar o número de pessoas expostas. Os resultados apontam que a lenha é o segundo combustível mais usado para cozinhar, sendo utilizada por uma parcela significativa da população, em torno de 30 milhões de brasileiros. Um fator decisivo no maior uso deste combustível é o nível socioeconômico da população associada ao preço do gás liquefeito de petróleo (GLP). Os estudos realizados no país registraram concentrações altas de partículas durante a queima da lenha, excedendo os limites sugeridos pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). Também foram observadas associações entre a exposição aos poluentes gerados pela queima e o agravamento dos mais diversos problemas de saúde, dentre eles doenças respiratórias e câncer. A substituição da lenha e outros combustíveis sólidos por combustíveis mais limpos deve ser a meta do governo para minimizar custos com a saúde.

Abstract Indoor air pollution is exacerbated by the burning of firewood in rustic stoves and poorly ventilated environments. Exposure to the pollutants emitted by this type of fuel results in increased morbidity and mortality. In Brazil, studies and estimates regarding these conditions are scarce. In order to understand this problem, the objective of this work was to investigate the use of firewood using the data series of government agencies to estimate the number of exposed people. The results indicated that firewood is the second most used fuel for cooking, being used by a significant portion of the population, more than 30 million Brazilians. A decisive factor in the increased use of this fuel is the socioeconomic level of the population associated with the price of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). The studies carried out in the country recorded high concentrations of particles during firewood burning, exceeding the limits suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO). Associations were also observed between the exposure to the pollutants generated by the burning and the aggravation of health problems, among them respiratory diseases and cancer. Replacing fuelwood and other solid fuels with cleaner fuels should be the government's goal to minimize health costs.

Humans , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Air Pollution, Indoor/analysis , Cooking/statistics & numerical data , Environmental Exposure/analysis , Respiratory Tract Diseases/etiology , Respiratory Tract Diseases/epidemiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Ventilation/standards , Wood , Brazil/epidemiology , Air Pollution, Indoor/adverse effects , Environmental Exposure/adverse effects , Neoplasms/etiology , Neoplasms/epidemiology
Av. enferm ; 37(1): 75-82, ene.-abr. 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1011390


Resumo Objetivo: Identificar a prevalência de persistência do canal arterial (PCA) em neonatos em um hospital público. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, observacional e de caráter descritivo. Foram coletados dados de 313 prontuários de recém-nascidos, observando a ocorrência do diagnóstico de PCA em uma amostra de neonatos internados em um hospital público do norte de Minas Gerais no período de agosto de 2015 a agosto de 2016, até o 7° dia de vida. As seguintes variáveis foram analisadas: idade gestacional, peso ao nascer, Apgar 1' e 5', desconforto respiratório, uso de equipamentos de suporte ventilatório e utilização de medicamentos para a função respiratória. Os dados coletados foram processados estatisticamente através do programa Minitab. Resultados: Neste estudo, percebe-se que a incidência da PCA é maior em prematuro quando a relação idade gestacional e peso ao nascer são inversamente proporcionais à PCA. A prevalência neste estudo foi de 2,6 % de recém nascidos com a cardiopatia, sendo que destes foi observado o desconforto respiratório em 43 % de neonatos. Conclusão: A prevalência do canal arterial na amostra foi relativamente baixa, dentre os fatores associados ao aparecimento da cardiopatia, mas as alterações no quinto minuto de Apgar mostraram ser estatisticamente significantes. Sendo assim, identificar a ocorrência do diagnóstico da PCA e conhecer as repercussões respiratórias, assim como proposto nesse estudo, pode auxiliar na programação da assistência e, em especial, favorecer a melhoria da conduta de enfermagem.

Resumen Objetivo: Identificar la prevalencia de persistencia del canal arterial (PCA) en neonatos en un hospital público. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio cuantitativo, observacional y de carácter descriptivo. Se recogieron datos de 313 prontuarios de recién nacidos, observando la ocurrencia del diagnóstico de PCA en una muestra de neonatos internos en un hospital público del norte de Minas Gerais en el período de agosto de 2015 a agosto de 2016, hasta el 7° día de vida, analizando las variables: edad gestacional, peso al nacer, Apgar 1' y 5', malestar respiratorio, uso de equipos de soporte ventilatorio y utilización de medicamentos para la función respiratoria. Los datos recolectados fueron procesados estadísticamente a través del programa Minitab. Resultados: En este estudio se percibe que la incidencia de la PCA es mayor en prematuros, donde la relación edad gestacional y peso al nacer son inversamente proporcionales a la PCA. La prevalencia en este estudio fue de 2,6 % recién nacidos con la cardiopatía, siendo que de estos se observó la incomodidad respiratoria en el 4,3 % de neonatos. Conclusión: La prevalencia del canal arterial en la muestra fue relativamente baja, entre los factores asociados a la aparición de la cardiopatía, las alteraciones en el quinto minuto de Apgar mostraron ser estadísticamente significantes. Siendo así, identificar la ocurrencia del diagnóstico de la PCA y conocer las repercusiones respiratorias, así como es propuesto en ese estudio, puede auxiliar en la programación de la asistencia y, en particular, favorecer la mejora de la conducta de enfermería.

Abstract Objective: To identify the prevalence of persistence of the arterial canal (PAC) in newborns in a public hospital. Methodology: This is a quantitative, observational and descriptive study. Data from 313 compendiums of newborns were collected, noting the occurrence of the diagnosis of PAC in a sample of inmate newborns at a public hospital in the north of Minas Gerais, Brazil, in the period between August 2015 and August 2016, up to the 7th day of life. The following variables were analyzed: gestational age, birth weight, Apgar 1' and 5', respiratory discomfort, use of ventilation support equipment and use of medication for respiratory function. The collected data were statistically processed through the Minitab program. Results: The incidence of the PAC is higher in premature infants, where the relationship of gestational age and birth weight are inversely proportional to the PAC. The prevalence in this study was 2,6 % of newborns with heart disease, and it was observed respiratory discomfort in 43 % of them. Conclusion: The prevalence of arterial canal in the sample was relatively low; among the factors associated with the occurrence of heart disease, alterations in the fifth minute of Apgar were statistically significant. Being so, identifying the occurrence of the diagnosis of PAC and knowing the respiratory impact can aid in the programming of assistance and, in particular, favor the improvement of the conduct of nursing.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Ventilation , Infant, Newborn , Nursing , Ductus Arteriosus , Heart Diseases , Hospitals, Public
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 62: e19180295, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019537


Abstract Clean, fresh air is the most important requirement for good indoor air quality (IAQ) in all buildings, but it is especially important with regard to the environments within hospitals and other healthcare facilities. The literature indicates that buildings with heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems may have an increased risk of sick building syndrome (SBS) and building-related illness (BRI) if they are not well maintained. Microorganisms are brought into hospitals by people, air currents, water, construction materials and equipment. The main objective of this study was to assess the degree of fungal and bacterial contamination in the University Clinical Centre in Banja Luka, which is directly connected to the HVAC system. Airborne bacteria and fungi in the indoor hospital environment were assessed experimentally. Air samples were collected during the winter season. This paper presents the results related to the concentration of microorganisms expressed in colony forming units per cubic metre of air sampled (in CFU/m3) together with the microclimatic parameters temperature and relative humidity. The results of monitoring indicate the effectiveness of HVAC systems in reducing microbiological contamination.

Air Pollution , Hospitals/standards , Bacteria , Ventilation/standards , Air Conditioning/standards , Fungi , Heating/standards
Clinical and Experimental Emergency Medicine ; (4): 31-35, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-785593


OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to determine why rescuers could maintain adequate chest compression depth for longer periods during conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).METHODS: Various CPR parameters, including average compression depth (ACD), average compression rate, average ventilation time (AVT), and rescuers’ heart rates were recorded in real-time when 20 health care providers performed 10 minutes of conventional CPR during a simulation experiment.RESULTS: The ACD was maintained above 50 mm and was not significantly different during 19 consecutive CPR cycles. The average compression rate increased from 114.9±10.0/min (2nd cycle) to 120.1±13.8/min (18th cycle) (P=0.007), and the AVT increased from 8.7±1.5 seconds (3rd cycle) to 10.1±2.6 seconds (18th cycle) (P=0.002). The rescuers’ heart rates also increased gradually for 10 min; however, they increased rapidly and were highest during the ventilation phase. Their heart rates then decreased and were lowest during the early chest compression phases of each CPR cycle. Decreases in heart rates were significant in all CPR cycles (average decrease: 14.5±4.5 beats/min, P<0.001).CONCLUSION: The ACD was maintained adequately during 10 minutes of conventional CPR. However, the AVT increased significantly during the 10-minute period. The rescuers’ heart rates increased and decreased throughout all CPR cycles. These results showed that the ventilation phase might play a role as a resting period and be a reason for the maintenance of adequate chest compression depth for prolonged periods during conventional CPR.

Humans , Male , Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation , Fatigue , Health Personnel , Heart Rate , Heart , Thorax , Ventilation
Kosin Medical Journal ; : 161-167, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786385


Tracheostomy is increasingly performed in children for upper airway anomalies. Here, an 18-month-old child (height 84.1 cm, weight 12.5 kg) presented to the emergency department with dyspnea, stridor, and chest retraction. However, exploration of the airways using a bronchoscope failed due to subglottic stenosis. Therefore, a surgical tracheostomy was successfully performed with manual mask ventilation. However, pneumomediastinum was found in the postoperative chest radiograph. Although an oxygen saturation of 99% was initially maintained, oxygen saturation levels dropped, due to sudden dyspnea, after 3 hours. A chest radiograph taken at this time revealed a left tension pneumothorax and small right pneumothorax. Despite a needle thoracostomy, the pneumothorax was aggravated, and cardiac arrest occurred. Cardiopulmonary-cerebral resuscitation was performed, but the patient was declared dead 30 minutes later. This study highlights the fatal complications that can occur in children during tracheostomy. Therefore, close monitoring, immediate suspicion, recognition, and aggressive management may avoid fatal outcomes.

Child , Humans , Infant , Bronchoscopes , Constriction, Pathologic , Dyspnea , Emergency Service, Hospital , Fatal Outcome , Heart Arrest , Masks , Mediastinal Emphysema , Oxygen , Pediatrics , Pneumothorax , Radiography, Thoracic , Respiratory Sounds , Resuscitation , Thoracostomy , Thorax , Tracheostomy , Ventilation